Check out the Manifest Editor →
List of Components

This is a list of components Digirati are developing as part of the work for TANC and Delft; more components can follow!

  • [[Shell]]
  • [[Manifest Editor]] (app: see below for sub-components)
  • [[Range Editor]] (MVP, whole canvases only)
  • [[Preview]] service; hosted temporary links for your Work in Progress, and optional Permalinks
  • [[GitHub Integration]] and related services, for opening from any public GH repo anonymously and for saving to GitHub, after authenticating
  • Content State Selector is the basis of tabs in the dialogs for [[Loading IIIF for Editing]], [[Import of IIIF Resources]], [[Import of Content Resources]], and also [[Saving IIIF]]
  • (more)

Expected third party components

  • Custom Load tabs
  • Custom Import IIIF tabs
  • Custom Import Content tabs
  • Custom Save IIIF tabs
  • Additional Apps for bespoke editing requirements

Components of the Manifest Editor App

  • [[Manifest Tree]] (Outline)
  • [[Canvas Strip]]
  • [[Language Map editor]]
  • [[IIIF Metadata editor]]
  • [[Canvas Editor]] - for complex composition
  • [[Annotations]] - this might involve capture models…
  • Various bespoke widgets for IIIF props like Provider, seeAlso..